
Good nutrition is good for business

A healthy diet fuels the brain — helping your employees stay engaged throughout their day. But many Americans don’t follow recommended nutritional guidelines. At external page, employees will find wellness coaching external page, nutrition classes external page, and many more resources to help them make healthier food choices for themselves and their families.


Employees with poor nutrition reported 50% more sickness-related absences than those with good nutrition.

— Workplace Savings and Benefits, May 9, 2013.

Our employees are talking about their health — what their cholesterol numbers really mean, how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diet, little things they do each day to feel better.

— Tamara J. Walker, MS, ATC
Motion Picture and Television Fund Employee Wellness Coordinator

Get healthy choices for your employees

Health talks

Fresh food ideas external page are on the menu in these engaging talks for employees and their families, featuring healthy nutrition advice from Kaiser Permanente physicians and experts.


Healthy shopping, cooking, and snacking
Let a Kaiser Permanente nutritionist guide your employees with practical steps for healthier eating at home.

Fresh produce delivery

Enjoy farm-fresh produce delivered to your workplace for you and your employees. It’s healthy. It’s convenient. It’s affordable. It’s easy to support healthy nutrition at work and at home.


TIP Daily food plans, healthy recipes, and more are available in 14 languages at external page

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